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21.05.20, 10:04

Приветствую! Столкнулся с проблемой нерабочих третьих миссий после экспорта в дополнении Гвардия тьмы за Орды и Легионы. У первой бесконечная загрузка, у второй вылет игры. Качал сразу фулл версию.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Попробуйте конвертер (раздел downloads). Сконвертируйте как саму сагу, так и сохранение


18.05.20, 14:11

Здаствуйте, это опять я! При попытке запустить мод с выключенным Direct3D выдает ошибку инициализации.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Ответ есть в F.A.Q.; Также гугл выдает много вариантов решения этой проблемы по запросу "disciples 2 can't initialize", т.к. эта проблема возникает и в ванили


17.05.20, 18:50

После установки мода половина русских буковок не работает... Как жить.

Норвежская Сёмга

Половина русских буковок не работает и в ванили, но это решаемо


17.05.20, 03:41

Добрый день!
Играя за Имперскую сагу столкнулся с вылетом игры очередного автосохранения после окончании хода.
Ошибка: "Программа не работает. Возникшая проблема привела к прекращению программы". Пробовал конвертером, не помог (хотя может чего-то недопонял). Сборка игры ваша, full version.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Есть миссия за Империю (не помню название), где ИИ идет в ветку Хозяина масок. Бывает ситуация, когда он нападает на нейтрала, не может победить, проиграть тоже не может, но при этом не отступает. Из-за этого игра крашится. Нужно отыскать с помощью читов отряд с Хозяином масок, затем загрузиться и постараться его убить


17.05.20, 02:41

Привет, только недавно узнал о данном моде. Будут ли добавлены новые юниты (не из имеющийся игры) со своими анимациями? Будет ли ребаланс правителей (интересует особенно вор)? Есть ли намерение добавить новую играбельную расу - темные эльфы?

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. 1. Парочка таких юнитов уже есть. Вероятно, будут еще. 2. Врядли - это связано с правкой exe игры. 3. Очень врядли - это связано с еще большими правками exe


14.05.20, 01:02

OK. I undrestand, this mod is made only for multiplay and it's completely waste of my time to change it and I do too much parallels and comparisons with Vanilla. By the way I intend to keep it only for myself and don't share it anybody but Semga insist, I sensed the reaction could be. To summarize for single players problems are a lot: boring and unvaried type of attacks that can't be touched because the whole balance will be broken; own upgrading and meeting huge monsters with 300damage and 700HP at the middle of the 144x144 quests because of the game mechanics to level up faster; fighting with exactly the same enemy faction units because AI don't randomizes his choices and so on...I have intended to continue with the rest of the factions, learning to work with animation files, creating new neutrals and racial ones but I realized that everything was in vain. I'm going to left the game for a while and focus on my job. I hope that the big boss - Norvejkaq Semga absord some new ideas for the future development and require him to find and ask me when he thinks about and translate the new english creature names. Bye for now.


13.05.20, 17:11

Hello guys again!

I've read all your comments. Glad to be of help. I hope you understand that I'm not a developer/designer (just experienced D2 player) and didn't mean to offend you in any way. Just expressed my conserns and observations while testing these changes. It's the thought that counts, right?

I don't want to start another Holy War over balance, especially from single player perspective. So we should lay out some ground rules.
1)Forget about Vanilla balance in general. As Semga already stated, there were some cheese tacticts that ruled above all other (Werewolf/Death immunes, lvl 1 Skeleton killing Black Dragon, IMBA ELF archers, cheap and reliable disables, tanky AOE gnomes, stopped Inqusitors, etc).
We should mention Vanilla only when necessary.
2)Adopt Semga's Mod as starting point and move from there.
It's not perfect, but nothing is...
3)Ignore any PVP aspect (for the time being), because FC_Bayern is not really into it.
4)For single player experiance and revelant play throught everything goes in carefully measured amounts!
5)While comparing units, we must abide to such limits:
* never compare T1 creatures to T2 or to any other Tiers, strictly same lvl Tiers;
* all units are "CLEAN" - Zero buff, items, lvl-ups (unit progression itself is a major topic and should be discussed separately (I hope you all hear of LVL99 Rebel).
* exceptions can be made to obvious situations, when stopped LOW Tier unit receives more benefits for the same amount of Exp than its' HIGHER Tier.
* we can compare 1 and 2 tile units to some extend (as it affects your play style alot).
* we can compare same type units INSIDE one factions (without limits) and BETWEEN factions to some extend.

If you agree to such rules of discussion, we shoul move to other venue, different from WIX site ^)

P.S. I understand your point of view, just want to give some structure to it. Otherwise we get to many factors, that make it impossible to reach any type of compromise.

Thank you for your time!

Норвежская Сёмга

Кстати, про баланс можно поговорить не только со мной вот здесь


13.05.20, 15:28

Continue from previous post:
*I put Elven healers only 10 Initiative so the other faction to be able to react to their strong protective Wards and be competitive to them. Otherwise this faction becomes OP because more and more units has different from weapon source attack.
*T5 Holy Avenger - you are kidding right? This is the most powerful unit of the faction. If you put him some damage increasing spell or Banner or item he raises 1.5 damage compare to the Paladin. With 40% damage boost(20%from banner and 20%from item) Holy Avenger is going to have 2*105 damage and Paladin only 175. And this is just for the start of the game. Later differences are more drastic and shocking.
* Extend Assassin path to T4 - This thing will be a huge mistake. Assassin is powerful enough and he is well balanced as Semga set him. Changing anything with this unit or the path is not needed. Semga's Empire archers are very well thought out.
*My changes are not for balance, and for variety. I play only single player quests so PvP are different matter. I found some of Semga details very unvaried and boring so I made this corrections. Besides tests about balance is in process so we are open to new suggestions.


13.05.20, 14:47

Hello Sekar and thanks for your feedback, it helps me to improve the game. First of all I should tell you that I'm a beginner at modding and made some nasty typing errors that I fix later after Semga paste the files. So let's start my explanations:
1.* I use only english version of the mod and there are no crashes when I start new Saga, new Quest or use my old saves. Just the new units are not there and it needs to be regenerated.
*ELF T3 Phalangist - this is typing error that I mention. He should has 20 armor and raise by 3 per level up to level10(previous T2 Centaur Charger is by 2).
*Creating new icon, new image and animation files is a very hard work that I haven't enough time to do so I use old one. I'm not a game designer after all.
*T3 Frost Mage - It's not true that he always misses his shots. At the beginning he misses only 1of6 or 2of6 targets, and later he never miss. I do this for players to use some Chance to hit increasing Banners or Items that nobody uses and there are plenty of them expecially at the start of every quest. Besides at start He do more damage than T3 Wizard (2x20+20from second skill) and almost equal to T4 White Wizard at later game because he upgrades his levels two times faster and for no time he is going to be very powerful.
*ELF T3 Centaur Savage - I did't change anything over this unit except lower Ini to 30. I think he is good - very High HP, good damage, and faster upgrade than Empire or Damned malee. Maybe even he should has 100XP more, old Semga version was better. Weaker Elven malee is compensated by stronger archers and healers than the other factions.
* ELF Griffin path - I don't agree with you. Second ability of griffins - Armor breaking is very strong and usefull. About griffins I think they should has little fewer HP because of the changes with healers.
*If you stick to the lore, in this game only one Elven creature should has healing ability, most of them cast only protective spells. So this is not the argument.
*Hierophant SHOULD NOT has 2xHeal. Bishop has 2xHeal, it's very stupid another unit to has the same option. Hierophant has better second skill so I put him 1xHeal like the Original.


13.05.20, 10:29

Almost forgot!
HUGE thanks for adding Borealez path. Looks very cool, balanced and distinctive. Only one thing bothers me with him.
I was wondering if it makes sense to change animation of Borealez Shooting? Now it looks like Air Elemental one (little bit abrupt and unfulfilling), perhaps Centaur Shooter one is more appropriate and better eye-pleasing (same element and discent animation)!
Thank you one more time.

P. S. I speak Russian too, so if you want I can switch languages.

Norvezskaya Semga

Hello, Sekar, thanks for your comment. English is ok. [1] About graphics I can say, that this is just test of FC_Bayern’s ideas about balance and new units, therefore there is no sense to spend a lot of time for new animations and portraits. If I’ll change in my mod, I add changed animations. [2] About extension to T4 archers: I know, that build with many (3-4) T3 archers works well, and I think that it’s not good idea to make this build better. Did you remember vanilla gameplay for elves? =) [3] About balance you have to wait for FC_Bayern's answer. [4] About replacing of orcs by dark elves: they have only one melee unit – It will be very hard to make branch to T4, may be with recoloring of common elves only, but who will change maps, where undead orcs used as orcs? =) [5] About Borealise’s animation: but many people like this animation)


21.05.20, 10:04

Приветствую! Столкнулся с проблемой нерабочих третьих миссий после экспорта в дополнении Гвардия тьмы за Орды и Легионы. У первой бесконечная загрузка, у второй вылет игры. Качал сразу фулл версию.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Попробуйте конвертер (раздел downloads). Сконвертируйте как саму сагу, так и сохранение


18.05.20, 14:11

Здаствуйте, это опять я! При попытке запустить мод с выключенным Direct3D выдает ошибку инициализации.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Ответ есть в F.A.Q.; Также гугл выдает много вариантов решения этой проблемы по запросу "disciples 2 can't initialize", т.к. эта проблема возникает и в ванили


17.05.20, 18:50

После установки мода половина русских буковок не работает... Как жить.

Норвежская Сёмга

Половина русских буковок не работает и в ванили, но это решаемо


17.05.20, 03:41

Добрый день!
Играя за Имперскую сагу столкнулся с вылетом игры очередного автосохранения после окончании хода.
Ошибка: "Программа не работает. Возникшая проблема привела к прекращению программы". Пробовал конвертером, не помог (хотя может чего-то недопонял). Сборка игры ваша, full version.

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. Есть миссия за Империю (не помню название), где ИИ идет в ветку Хозяина масок. Бывает ситуация, когда он нападает на нейтрала, не может победить, проиграть тоже не может, но при этом не отступает. Из-за этого игра крашится. Нужно отыскать с помощью читов отряд с Хозяином масок, затем загрузиться и постараться его убить


17.05.20, 02:41

Привет, только недавно узнал о данном моде. Будут ли добавлены новые юниты (не из имеющийся игры) со своими анимациями? Будет ли ребаланс правителей (интересует особенно вор)? Есть ли намерение добавить новую играбельную расу - темные эльфы?

Норвежская Сёмга

Добрый день. 1. Парочка таких юнитов уже есть. Вероятно, будут еще. 2. Врядли - это связано с правкой exe игры. 3. Очень врядли - это связано с еще большими правками exe


14.05.20, 01:02

OK. I undrestand, this mod is made only for multiplay and it's completely waste of my time to change it and I do too much parallels and comparisons with Vanilla. By the way I intend to keep it only for myself and don't share it anybody but Semga insist, I sensed the reaction could be. To summarize for single players problems are a lot: boring and unvaried type of attacks that can't be touched because the whole balance will be broken; own upgrading and meeting huge monsters with 300damage and 700HP at the middle of the 144x144 quests because of the game mechanics to level up faster; fighting with exactly the same enemy faction units because AI don't randomizes his choices and so on...I have intended to continue with the rest of the factions, learning to work with animation files, creating new neutrals and racial ones but I realized that everything was in vain. I'm going to left the game for a while and focus on my job. I hope that the big boss - Norvejkaq Semga absord some new ideas for the future development and require him to find and ask me when he thinks about and translate the new english creature names. Bye for now.


13.05.20, 17:11

Hello guys again!

I've read all your comments. Glad to be of help. I hope you understand that I'm not a developer/designer (just experienced D2 player) and didn't mean to offend you in any way. Just expressed my conserns and observations while testing these changes. It's the thought that counts, right?

I don't want to start another Holy War over balance, especially from single player perspective. So we should lay out some ground rules.
1)Forget about Vanilla balance in general. As Semga already stated, there were some cheese tacticts that ruled above all other (Werewolf/Death immunes, lvl 1 Skeleton killing Black Dragon, IMBA ELF archers, cheap and reliable disables, tanky AOE gnomes, stopped Inqusitors, etc).
We should mention Vanilla only when necessary.
2)Adopt Semga's Mod as starting point and move from there.
It's not perfect, but nothing is...
3)Ignore any PVP aspect (for the time being), because FC_Bayern is not really into it.
4)For single player experiance and revelant play throught everything goes in carefully measured amounts!
5)While comparing units, we must abide to such limits:
* never compare T1 creatures to T2 or to any other Tiers, strictly same lvl Tiers;
* all units are "CLEAN" - Zero buff, items, lvl-ups (unit progression itself is a major topic and should be discussed separately (I hope you all hear of LVL99 Rebel).
* exceptions can be made to obvious situations, when stopped LOW Tier unit receives more benefits for the same amount of Exp than its' HIGHER Tier.
* we can compare 1 and 2 tile units to some extend (as it affects your play style alot).
* we can compare same type units INSIDE one factions (without limits) and BETWEEN factions to some extend.

If you agree to such rules of discussion, we shoul move to other venue, different from WIX site ^)

P.S. I understand your point of view, just want to give some structure to it. Otherwise we get to many factors, that make it impossible to reach any type of compromise.

Thank you for your time!

Норвежская Сёмга

Кстати, про баланс можно поговорить не только со мной вот здесь


13.05.20, 15:28

Continue from previous post:
*I put Elven healers only 10 Initiative so the other faction to be able to react to their strong protective Wards and be competitive to them. Otherwise this faction becomes OP because more and more units has different from weapon source attack.
*T5 Holy Avenger - you are kidding right? This is the most powerful unit of the faction. If you put him some damage increasing spell or Banner or item he raises 1.5 damage compare to the Paladin. With 40% damage boost(20%from banner and 20%from item) Holy Avenger is going to have 2*105 damage and Paladin only 175. And this is just for the start of the game. Later differences are more drastic and shocking.
* Extend Assassin path to T4 - This thing will be a huge mistake. Assassin is powerful enough and he is well balanced as Semga set him. Changing anything with this unit or the path is not needed. Semga's Empire archers are very well thought out.
*My changes are not for balance, and for variety. I play only single player quests so PvP are different matter. I found some of Semga details very unvaried and boring so I made this corrections. Besides tests about balance is in process so we are open to new suggestions.


13.05.20, 14:47

Hello Sekar and thanks for your feedback, it helps me to improve the game. First of all I should tell you that I'm a beginner at modding and made some nasty typing errors that I fix later after Semga paste the files. So let's start my explanations:
1.* I use only english version of the mod and there are no crashes when I start new Saga, new Quest or use my old saves. Just the new units are not there and it needs to be regenerated.
*ELF T3 Phalangist - this is typing error that I mention. He should has 20 armor and raise by 3 per level up to level10(previous T2 Centaur Charger is by 2).
*Creating new icon, new image and animation files is a very hard work that I haven't enough time to do so I use old one. I'm not a game designer after all.
*T3 Frost Mage - It's not true that he always misses his shots. At the beginning he misses only 1of6 or 2of6 targets, and later he never miss. I do this for players to use some Chance to hit increasing Banners or Items that nobody uses and there are plenty of them expecially at the start of every quest. Besides at start He do more damage than T3 Wizard (2x20+20from second skill) and almost equal to T4 White Wizard at later game because he upgrades his levels two times faster and for no time he is going to be very powerful.
*ELF T3 Centaur Savage - I did't change anything over this unit except lower Ini to 30. I think he is good - very High HP, good damage, and faster upgrade than Empire or Damned malee. Maybe even he should has 100XP more, old Semga version was better. Weaker Elven malee is compensated by stronger archers and healers than the other factions.
* ELF Griffin path - I don't agree with you. Second ability of griffins - Armor breaking is very strong and usefull. About griffins I think they should has little fewer HP because of the changes with healers.
*If you stick to the lore, in this game only one Elven creature should has healing ability, most of them cast only protective spells. So this is not the argument.
*Hierophant SHOULD NOT has 2xHeal. Bishop has 2xHeal, it's very stupid another unit to has the same option. Hierophant has better second skill so I put him 1xHeal like the Original.


13.05.20, 10:29

Almost forgot!
HUGE thanks for adding Borealez path. Looks very cool, balanced and distinctive. Only one thing bothers me with him.
I was wondering if it makes sense to change animation of Borealez Shooting? Now it looks like Air Elemental one (little bit abrupt and unfulfilling), perhaps Centaur Shooter one is more appropriate and better eye-pleasing (same element and discent animation)!
Thank you one more time.

P. S. I speak Russian too, so if you want I can switch languages.

Norvezskaya Semga

Hello, Sekar, thanks for your comment. English is ok. [1] About graphics I can say, that this is just test of FC_Bayern’s ideas about balance and new units, therefore there is no sense to spend a lot of time for new animations and portraits. If I’ll change in my mod, I add changed animations. [2] About extension to T4 archers: I know, that build with many (3-4) T3 archers works well, and I think that it’s not good idea to make this build better. Did you remember vanilla gameplay for elves? =) [3] About balance you have to wait for FC_Bayern's answer. [4] About replacing of orcs by dark elves: they have only one melee unit – It will be very hard to make branch to T4, may be with recoloring of common elves only, but who will change maps, where undead orcs used as orcs? =) [5] About Borealise’s animation: but many people like this animation)

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